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1. (@sonnypgs)

Jan 31, 20224 min read is the first startup from @sonnypgs in the 24 Startup in 24 Months challenge.

It's a very simple software (SaaS) for monitoring the uptime of websites. A user can define multiple websites to be monitored (in the free version up to 5). Once a website changes its status (e.g. goes offline), the user will immediately be notified via email.

Currently there are 3 pricing plans available:

-FREE (5 monitors included)

-PRO (20 monitors included)

-PREMIUM (50 monitors included)


Once signed up and logged in, the user has the ability to manage (create, edit, delete) multiple monitors.

Tech Stack

It's an optimal stack for launching things fast and iterating afterwards.

If you like, you can upvote it via Product Hunt 🚀

Also check out the first startup from @ronatory.

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